About Us

Yoyo is the one toy that changed my life.

A bold statement I know - but as a 13 year old kid it allowed me to meet friends and teach me important skills such as perseverance, skill learning, and dexterity while learning something new without the use of a smartphone screen.

I have made friends from all over the world, and joined a vibrant community that has supported me for over 20 years.

Later on, I quit my 9-5 software developer job and focused full time designing yoyos and other toys for over 20 different companies.

I started SPINTEK with one goal in mind, to lower the barrier to learning the basics so you too can join this incredible growing community!

We address two common problems with existing beginner yo-yo players -

  1. Often people pick up a yoyo for the first time, try it out and give up thinking it’s too hard - Not realizing it was just a cheaply designed yo-yo that sucks.

  2. Well designed yo-yos are really expensive. We are direct partners with manufactures to achieve lower price points while offering the same quality as professional high end yo-yos.

Please check out our products - if you would like any help feel free to contact us at any time! We usually reply within 48 hours!

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